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About this site

This site originated in 1999 after a conversation between Jules Greenwall and Nick Simpson, while working for AAITS (the then internal IT arm of ABN Amro NV in London).

It was originally written overnight using tools and technologies designed by Westfield Computing which aided a speedy construction.

Since then it has gone through a few minor changes, but is still largely the same engine, comprising ASP pages running on an IIS server and using some local JavaScript to aid client-side operations. It also uses a template and library methodology to ensure that individual pages contain minimal overhead whilst remaining consistent with each other in style and layout.

The back-end started life as Microsoft Access, but is now a grown up SQL Server 2014 database.

The site is updated at the start, and sometimes during, the season to ensure that teams, their cars and their drivers are all kept up to date.

This site is hosted on UK servers by Jules Greenwall Services Ltd

Website Engine History


The first version was cobbled together in a few nights and allowed simple arbitary betting, using a Microsoft Access database as a back end with minimal security.


The database engine was migrated to SQL Server and the concept of logins with passwords added, the front end was improved somewhat and tools added to allow remote updating of the various teams and drivers at the start of each season.


A major re-write updated the whole look and feel of the site, introducing CSS style-sheets and a greatly improved layout such that the site would work on the new-fangled smart-phones that were just hitting the market.

The league proper was added and also betting was modified to allow multiple people to bet on one driver.


The site was moved to HTML5 compliance and made better able to render on mobile devices which, it turns out, are now the main point of entry.

These resulted in relatively few changes when used on a desktop but yields significant improvements on a handheld.

The log-in process was improved so that the user didn't need to re-enter their credentials all the time.


This is a substantial re-write of the underlying engine, so although many pages resemble their v4 counterparts, much of the underlying code has been replaced or refined.

Security of the database in general, and of the login process in particular has been greatly improved, while the user interface now includes dialogue boxes, greater use of graphics and better use of CSS to optimise rendering across a range of devices.

Many features have been added to improve the overall user-experience and the information available via the website.

Note: You can see the complete revision history, including internal changes here.

Tip: You can view the revision history of each page on this site by clicking on the version control record in the bottom right of each page.

This website is provided by
Jules Greenwall Services Ltd

site design & original graphics
copyright © 2000-2018
Jules Greenwall,
all rights reserved.

comments on this site and all other enquiries to:

This site was designed for optimal rendering and viewing pleasure on
Google Chrome.

Although every care has been taken in the provision of information on this site, neither Jules Greenwall Services Ltd nor their agents or authors accept any liability of any form whatsoever for errors, omissions or inability to use or understand this site or loss or damage arising therefrom.
Driver and Team pictures are taken from other F1 news sites and their respective copyright is acknowledged.
Other non-original graphics on this site have been taken from the public domain and the original artists copyright is acknowledged.
This site is not affiliated with the FIA, Formula One World Championship Ltd, Liberty Media, British Sky Broadcasting or any other body associated with the sport.

This site was created by
Jules Greenwall

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